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Give & Get Employer Branding

Andrea Fielding

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

In today’s fiercely competitive job market, with the balance of power squarely in job-seekers’ hands, how can organizations attract and retain the most talented candidates—and the best additions to their culture?

The answer may surprise you. The most effective employer brands don’t attract candidates; they repel them.

We're excited to announce employer brand industry leaders Bryan Adams & Charlotte Marshall will be speaking at World Employer Brand Day 4-6 November 2020 | Lisbon.

Bryan is the CEO and founder of Ph.Creative, recognized as one of the leading employer brand agencies in the world, and Charlotte was named the Global Employer Brand Leader of the Year 2019 and has successfully built and launched five Fortune 500 employer brands.

Together, they've written their new book Give & Get Employer Branding in which they redefine the concept of an employee value proposition entirely. Instead of a sales pitch aimed at seducing candidates with sizzle, this refreshing new approach harnesses the value to be found within the cultural realities and expectations of the company, and challenges people must be willing to overcome to thrive at your organization.

Pair those with the benefits they stand to receive in return, and you’ll be amazed what starts to happen to your recruiting funnel.

In her keynote, 'Employer Brand Leadership View from the Top,' Charlotte will share will share ‘behind the scenes’ insights into how she has been able to influence executive leadership to support her vision with investment for employer brand strategy and how she was able to shape the business case to overcome inertia among leadership through employer brand education, results and demonstrated ROI to the business.

In the session following, Bryan's presentation, 'The Give and Get of Employer Brand,' will explore the value of going beyond strengths benefits and opportunities to be found within an organisation and delve deeper to answer the burning questions your candidates really want you to answer.

For full details about World Employer Branding Day 4-6 November 2020 | Lisbon click here> and for registration options click here>


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