I was struck this week by a comment from an HR professional puzzling over what to do with their newly-crafted Employee Value Proposition (EVP). The conversation veered towards some sort of creative launch, which would engage and excite people. (All well and good and a big thumbs up from me.) However, there's an inherent risk with the word, "launch" - it implies something moving off in a self-contained fashion and it can be construed as a fait-accompli. Shuttle built, off it goes into space; job done.
As satisfying as it is to get “EVP creation” ticked off the job list, it is in fact a living document: a blueprint that describes all of the good things an employee can expect from an organisation in exchange for their expertise, energy and commitment. In that sense, the EVP needs to be embedded into the organisation and actively used to inform people-based decisions and policies.
So, what’s really needed is an integrated engagement plan:
Help key stakeholders understand the importance and role of the EVP; how to use it as a key reference for basing people-based decisions and how that will help them meet their agendas.
Raise awareness of/reinforce the good things that employees can expect from the organisation via an internal launch.
Integrate the EVP messaging into external talent acquisition communication.
Of course, the really fun part is producing the sexy videos and creative content around the launch BUT all of this is wasted investment without the assurance that the promises in the EVP are going to be delivered… which is why making the EVP integral to people strategy at every level is essential. So, not so much a remote shuttle; more of a launch pad for people-related thinking and initiatives.
I could wax lyrical about this (and I’m always happy to chat the cud over a coffee!), however if you’d like a bit more insight, you’ll find some thoughts in my paper.
Please share your thoughts – I’d love to hear them.
Dawn Hollingworth is the Director of Brand Strategy and Creative Services for Cielo and will be presenting at World Employer Branding Day 27-28 April 2017 | Budapest on the topic "Small changes = big impact.”
You can connect with Dawn on LinkedIn.
For further information or to explore getting help with your employer brand strategy, please contact Dawn or any member of the Cielo Brand Team.